In 2021, cricket action returns to India after the games suspended in 2020 amid COVID-19. And now different-different domestic leagues are locking horn in India. Meanwhile, KCA Pink T20 Challenge locked its horn on 27 March with the opening match between Team Ruby and Sapphire. Here in this article fans will get to know about Kerala Womens T20 League live score and streaming.
Kerala Womens T20 League: Live Score, Streaming
KCA Pink T20 Challenge is going to be between 27 April to 7 April 2021. Five teams are participating in this league and they are here; Team Ruby, Team Sapphire, Team Emerald, Team Pearl and Team Amber. All five teams have to play a total of 20 matches in the first round between 27 April to 5 April followed by the 2 final round matches on 7 April.
KCA Pink T20 Challenge All Teams Squad
Team Ruby: Nithuan K R, Jayalekshmi Dev, Drisya, Jilu George, Shani T, Gopika Gayathri Devi, Akshaya A. Ajanya T P, Sreekrishna Haridas, Najla C M C, Soniya Babu, Aleena Ann Joy, Mrudhula V S, Anaswara Santosh. Gayathri S, Ragi Mohan, Aswathy Mol A J
Team Sapphire: K Maneesha, S Sajana, Siha Santosh, Farha Shirin, P T Nandini, Arathi Ravi, Alka A Suresh-I. A K Aiswarya, KK Aparna, M Aswathy, J Chilthanya, Anju Ranjan-I, H U Bhoomika, Renjusha, Sandra Suren. Vinaya Surendran, KS Sayoojya
Team Amber: KR Sneha, M Abina, JS Deephti, Aleena Surendran, Ansu Sunil, Devika Krishna Kumar, MP Aleena, V Binisha. Arya Baby, Jincy George, Athira Sanal, TP Sruthi, Anushree Anil Kumar, VJ Joshitha, Diya Gireesh. Sraya Roy, Yadhu Priya
Team Pearl: Aswathi Babu, Maria George, Surya Sukumar, Aleena Shibu, Drishna N K, Drishya I V, Bhadra Parameswaran. Akhila P, Jisna Joseph, Keerthi James, Sauparnika B, Yuvanthika R, Nandana, Jisha Jaimon, Sneha M, Darsana Mohanan, Sourabhya P
Team Emerald: M Mani, S Sebastin, F Fatim, S Stanly, A M, ACV, D Hari, M Sabu, D Ganesh, V M P, A R, A Mathew, J Joseph, K Miriam Sabin, M Potti, N Loordh, S Unni Amit
Live Score & Streaming Of KCA Pink T20 Challenge
Kerala Womens T20 League will not be going to telecast on any Indian TV channel. However, still, fans can watch this league’s live streaming with the help of their smartphones. All the games of this tournament are going to cover on fantasy apps, fans are eager to get information that where they can acquire the live streaming. Let you all know that the Fan code (Dream11’s live score & streaming mobile app) app is covering all the matches of the tournament. It is worth mentioning that fans can watch the whole tournament without any charges.
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For watching the KCA T20 Challenge on Smart Television fans need to take some easy steps. First fans need to login into the Fan Code app or on websites. Thereafter, after clicking on the Watch Live Match, select the ‘Cast’ Option and the match will be now all set to telecast on smart tv.