Former Tamil Nadu all-rounder Rajgopal Satish has reported a match-fixing offer worth INR 40 Lakhs that was made to him by a prospect bookie. The 41-year cricketer has brought the matter to the BCCI and ICC’s attention pursuant to which a police complaint has also been filed.
Satish approached the BCCI’s Anti-Corruption and Security Unit (ASCU) to report a person named Bunny Anand. As per Satish, Anand made him an offer of 40 lakh rupees while mentioning that 2 other players had agreed to the same. Satish declined the offer and went directly to the cricket authorities to report the matter.
ASCU chief Shabbir Khandwawala corroborated Satish’s version of events and confirmed that an official police complaint has been launched. He further verified that the ICC has been made aware of the incident.
“Police complaint has been launched”- Anti-Corruption unit chief
“The player approached us and ICC and informed us that someone had approached him on Instagram. We took details of the case and told our ACU officer to file a police complaint in the matter. We are just a facilitator and now police will look into the case,” Shabbir was quoted by The Indian Express.
Satish’s police complaint alleges that Bunny approached Anand with the INR 40 Lakh offer on Instagram. “On January 3, a person named Bunny Anand contacted Sathish on Instagram and messaged him luring to pay Rs 40 lakh and told that two players have already agreed to the offer. Sathish said that he said ‘sorry’ to the offer,” the complaint reads.
Satish used to be an active participant in the IPL, and has plied his trade for franchises like Mumbai Indians, Kolkata Knight Riders, and Punjab Kings. His last IPL appearance came in 2016. He has given up on playing domestic cricket since 2017, but continues to make appearances in the Tamil Nadu Premier League.