On January 18, India announced its squad for the 2025 Champions Trophy. A long meeting was held between BCCI officials, captain Rohit Sharma, chief selector Ajit Agarkar, and head coach Gautam Gambhir, after which Rohit and Agarkar revealed the 15-player squad during a press conference. The conference was scheduled to start at 12:30 PM, but due to prolonged discussions during the meeting, it began at 3:00 PM when Rohit and Agarkar finally addressed the media.
Gautam Gambhir wanted Hardik Pandya as VC and Sanju Samson in Champions Trophy 2025 Squad
Reports suggest that Gautam Gambhir strongly debated several decisions made by Rohit and Agarkar, leading to a delay in the press conference. Gambhir is reportedly unhappy with the squad. He pushed for Hardik Pandya to be appointed vice-captain, but both Rohit and Agarkar insisted on Shubman Gill for the role.
Gambhir also wanted Sanju Samson as the wicket-keeper, but once again, Rohit and Agarkar overruled him and decided to select Rishabh Pant instead. Gambhir’s suggestions were not accepted during the meeting, leaving him dissatisfied with the final squad.
The team the Indian Head Coach envisioned for the Champions Trophy did not materialize. This tournament is expected to be career-defining for him as he already has several underwhelming records associated with his coaching stint.
Looking at the situation, Gambhir’s demands appear reasonable. Shubman Gill has never captained India in an ODI, and entrusting such a big responsibility to a young player in a high-stakes tournament like the Champions Trophy seems like a questionable decision. Gambhir advocated for Hardik Pandya as vice-captain due to his leadership experience.
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Sanju Samson last played an ODI against South Africa in December 2023, where he scored a century and won the Player of the Match award. Despite this, he wasn’t given another ODI opportunity and has now been dropped from the Champions Trophy squad in favor of Rishabh Pant. After returning from his injury, Pant has played just one ODI in 2024 against Sri Lanka, where he scored only six runs. Statistically, Samson’s ODI record is superior to Pant’s.