Recently, news of divorce between Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife, Dhanashree Verma, has surfaced. According to reports, the two may soon announce their separation and go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Dhanashree Verma is facing criticism and trolls on the internet. Some netizens have targeted her, accusing her of deciding to separate from the cricketer for personal benefits. Amid this, Dhanashree has responded to the trolls by posting a story on her Instagram.
Dhanashree Verma Slams Trolls Amid Divorce Rumors
Defending herself, Dhanashree wrote a note on her Instagram story. The note addresses those accusing her of marrying Yuzvendra Chahal for fame and money. “The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What’s truly upsetting is the baseless writing, devoid of fact checking, and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls spreading hate,” Dhanashree wrote in a long post on her Instagram story.” wrote the 28-year-old dancer.
“I’ve worked hard for years to build my name and integrity. My silence is not a sign of weakness; but of strength. While negativity spreads easily online, it takes courage and compassion to uplift others. I choose to focus on my truth and move forward, holding onto my values. The truth stands tall without the need for justification.” she further added.
Yuzvendra Chahal Chahal Also Shared Cryptic Posts Earlier
Earlier, Chahal shared a cryptic story on his Instagram handle. The leg-spinner posted a quote: ‘Silence is a profound melody, for those who can hear it above all the noise.’ It seems Chahal might be trying to convey that he is maintaining calm and composure during this tough phase.
In another story, Chahal wrote, ‘Hard work spotlights the character of people. You know your journey. You know your pain.’ Both of them have not spoken clearly about the divorce, but these posts suggest that things are not going well between them.
Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree’s love story began online. During the lockdown, Chahal started taking online dance classes from Dhanashree. Over time, he began to develop feelings for her, and eventually, he decided to personally learn dance from her. In August 2020, Chahal surprised everyone by announcing his engagement with Dhanashree through his Instagram handle. Later, in December 2020, the couple tied the knot.
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Dhanashree holds a BDS degree from DY Patil Dental College in Navi Mumbai and worked as a dentist for 1-2 years. However, she chose to follow her passion and decided to pursue a career as a professional dance choreographer, eventually starting her own online dance classes.
She is now a celebrity in her own right, with over 6 million followers on Instagram. Additionally, she is receiving offers from the TV and film industry, having already appeared on the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa.