Earlier during the fourth T20I between India and England, the on-field soft signal for Suryakumar Yadav’s catch created controversy. Actually, English fielder Dawid Malan took catch at the boundary and while the catch didn’t seem clean to the naked eye, the onfield referred the decision to the third umpire with a soft signal ‘OUT’. However, the third umpire didn’t find conclusive evidence to overturn the on-field umpires’ call. And now again this time during NZ vs BAN 2nd ODI, fans divided as 3rd umpire overturns the soft signal.
Watch Video – Tamim Iqbal survives after 3rd umpire goes against soft-signal during NZ vs BAN 2nd ODI
It all happened on the fifth ball of the 15th over of the first inning when Jamieson bowled a full-pitched delivery and Tamim tried to smash the ball down the ground. However, Bangladesh batsman couldn’t find the timing from the bat and hence he ends up hitting towards the bowler. Kyle Jamieson took a sharp diving catch. As it was a low diving catch, the onfield umpire referred to the decision for 3rd umpire with the soft signal out.
Although, 3rd umpire Chris Gaffaney felt that he had the conclusive footage to overturn the decision of the onfield umpire. And before giving out he was heard saying that ‘I have got the ball on the ground and the player is not fully in control.’
New Zealand players did not seem to look happy with the third umpire’s decision. And even fans on social media started questioning the decision of the umpire. Fox cricket on their official Twitter handle posted the video while asking the same question whether it was out or not. Fox Cricket wrote, “How is this NOT a catch #NZvBAN”.
Here’s the video (NZ vs BAN 2nd ODI: Kyle Jamieson Catch)
How is this NOT a catch 😒 #NZvBAN pic.twitter.com/dO074dpRK2
— Fox Cricket (@FoxCricket) March 23, 2021
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Earlier in the match, New Zealand after winning the toss opted to field first at Hagley Oval in Christchurch. Meanwhile, in the first inning, Bangladesh scored 271-6, thanks to Tamim Iqbal and Mithun’s 78 and 73 runs respectively.