India Today TV’s News Director Rahul Kanwal recently interviewed Telangana’s Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy. During the interview, Kanwal asked, “Do you understand that party, that state, and CBN (Andhra Pradesh CM) well? Do you feel there’s competition from the neighboring state of Andhra?”
In response, Revanth Reddy gave an example from cricket, saying, “Sachin and Gavaskar are legends of the game, but now it is Virat Kohli’s era. In this era, Kohli shows how the game should be played.”
Ihis 20-second clip quickly caught the attention of cricket fans and is now going viral on social media. Virat Kohli’s fans are admiring the Revanth Reddy for hailing the Indian cricketer. The clip also indicates that the even Telangana CM is a fan of Virat Kohli. Revanth Reddy is a sports enthusiast who enjoys playing football. He often supports athletes and emphasizes improving sports facilities in the state.
Anchor : You understand the competition, the state and party, you know them very well. Are you feeling the competition?
Telangana CM Revanth reddy: Sachin & Gavaskar are legends of the game, but Now it is Virat Kohli; He will show, how to play🔥
— S P Y (@Kohli_Spy) January 23, 2025
Revanth Reddy also envisions taking Telangana cricket to greater heights. During his tenure as Chief Minister, the Telangana Cricket Association made a motivational offer to Hyderabad team players, announcing that if the team wins the Ranji Trophy title within the next three years, each squad member would receive ₹1 crore and an BMW car.
However, Hyderabad’s chances of winning the Ranji Trophy this year seem slim, as they have managed to win only one out of their five group games so far, with just two matches remaining. Hyderabad has won the Ranji Trophy twice, with the last victory coming in the 1986-87 season.