Bollywood actress and model Urvashi Rautela is one of the top personalities in India. So far in her career, she has earned a massive fan-following. Recently, she has completed the 35 million followers milestone on Instagram. She always tries to have a good bond with her fans, she is quite active on social media platforms. On Wednesday, the Bollywood actress started the ‘Question & Answers’ session on her Instagram handle. Meanwhile, Urvashi shocked the fans while answering about her favourite cricketer.
So far in her career, the 27-year-old actress has achieved many feats. Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela has won the Miss Diva Universe title in 2015 and also she represented India at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant. Urvashi made her debut in Bollywood in 2013 with the film ‘Singh Saab the Great. Since then she has featured in movies like Sanam Re (2016), Great Grand Masti (2016), Hate Story 4 (2018) and Pagalpanti (2019).
Urvashi Rautela Shocks The Fans
In India, Cricket is the most popular sports, fans following for Cricket is always great in numbers. Even politicians, Bollywood celebrities are massive supporters of Indian cricket. However, while answering a question on Instagram Urvashi shocked every fan.
One of Urvashi’s follower on Instagram asked, “Favourite Cricketer?” Answering this question she said she doesn’t know any cricketer as she doesn’t watch cricket. Although, she added she has a deep respect for Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli.
Earlier in the past, there were reports that Urvashi Rautela and Rishab Pant were dating each other. However, before they could make things official, the pair broke up (as per the reports). According to the Pinkvilla reports, the Indian wicket-keeper batsman had blocked Urvashi on Whatsapp. As per the reports, Urvashi’s spokesperson had said that it was a decision taken by both parties to block each other.
In between the rumours of Pant dating Urvashi, Rishab Pant confirmed his relationship with Isha Negi while posting an Instagram post.